The 14 year old boy who beat airline and airport
security at Benin airport on Saturday August 24th and flew in the tyre hole of a Lagos-bound Arik plane actually thought he was on his way to the US.
Sources at Benin Airport said Daniel Ikehina ran away from home because
he was being maltreated and was trying to escape from his parents when
he joined the Arik flight. Unfortunately for him the plane wasn't flying
to the US, it was flying to Lagos where the stowaway was immediately
arrested as he alighted from the wheel well of the aircraft. Daniel is
presently in the custody of the State Security Service (SSS) who are
trying to unravel how he managed to pull off such a stunt.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Boy found under Arik plane tyre hole thought he was going to the US
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